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Integrations Documentation

Setting up Integrations

This section contains information about how to setup integrations.
Some general information:

Integrating with Brewfather

For integrating with Brewfather you need to obtain an ID from Brewfather, this has to be provided when you setup your integration at Brewbrain.
You can find the ID when you setup your Device in the settings at Brewfather.

Integrating with Grainfather

Next to setting up your integration within My Brewbrain, you need to provide your Float's serial number at Grainfather.
For integrating with Grainfather you need to provide the serial number of the Float in the Grainfather application.
You can find your Float's serial number on your Float's page:

Navigate to the page using the "MY FLOATS" link, and find your Float's serial number beneath your Float's description.
You can copy the serial number by clicking on it :-)
Please note: The description of your Float can be changed, while the Float's serial number cannot.

Integrating with Aludariu Klubas

Next to setting up your integration within My Brewbrain, you need to provide your Float's serial number at Aludariu Klubas.
For integrating with Aludariu Klubas you need to provide the serial number of the Float in the Aludariu Klubas application.
You can find your Float's serial number on your Float's page:

Navigate to the page using the "MY FLOATS" link, and find your Float's serial number beneath your Float's description.
You can copy the serial number by clicking on it :-)
Please note: The description of your Float can be changed, while the Float's serial number cannot.

Integrating with monitor.beer

For integrating with monitor.beer you need to supply your monitor.beer's username when setting up your integration.