Are you having issues connecting the Float to your WiFi, and is the Float's firmware older than 2023-07-19?
Requirements for solving: Float, mobile device with WiFi + 3G/4G/LTE/5G, mobile divice with WiFi
Older Float firmwares can have some issues connecting to WiFi. The best way to solve this:
- Set up a mobile WiFi hotspot with your 3G/4G/LTE/5G mobile device (e.g. mobile phone).
- Set the Float to "setup".
- On the other mobile device, navigate to available WiFi networks and wait for the Float's WiFi to appear.
- Connect to the Float's WiFi with the second mobile device.
- The setup and registration screen should appear. Click on "Proceed to setup".
- From the available WiFi networks, select the mobile hotspot you created earlier, and fill in the password.
- Continue registration.
When you have succesfully completed registration:
- Set the Float to "Off".
- Leave the mobile hotspot intact.
- In a browser, log in to your account on the web platform.
- Navigate to your Float's overview page" and click on the
serial number of the Float you just registered.
- On Float's overview page, if you haven't already done so, click on the yellow button "update the Float's firmware".
- Make sure that the mobile hotspot is still on and switch the Float to "measure".
- The Float should now download and install the firmware automatically.
- After 5 minuntes, switch the Float to "Off" and back to "measure".
- Refresh the Float's page in your web browser.
On your Float's page, you can see the Float's firmware version directly under the Float's name at the top of the page. If the Float's firmware is not updated to "2023-07-19-1-stable", try switching the Float to "Off" and back to "measure" again. Wait between attempts for five minutes.
If you are still having issues, please contact us at
Newer iphone firmwares might have difficulty connecting to WiFi access points like the Float access point. Please ensure that you have disabled the mobile data roaming (3G/4G/LTE/5G) of your device when connecting to the Float's access point. When connected to the Float's access point, please wait for up to 60 seconds for your phone to display a pop-up that asks you to sign in to the Float's network. After that, follow the onscreen instructions. If you still do not get a pop-up, follow these instructions.
This is a known issue for Apple devices, get more information about this.
Using a different browswer than Safari (e.g. Firefox) can also solve issues when connecting with the Float.
Still not getting any data points? Try giving the Float a factory reset
Ensure that your Float is fully charged. Turn the float OFF before and during charging. When charging, you should see a red LED, that changes to green when the Float is fully charged.
If you still do not see a WiFi network with a fully charged battery, ensure that you are close enough to the sensor. Also try a different phone to connect to the WiFi network. Realize that fermenters, refrigerators and walls could decrease wifi signal strengths.
If you still cannot connect to the Float’s Access Point, then please contact and indicate that you do not see an access point in setup mode.
When using a phone, turn off mobile data roaming (3G/4G/LTE/5G) before connecting to the Float.
Furthermore, many phones will pop up a notification that need to acknowledge so that you can connect to the network.
In case your iPhone is not able to connect to the Float's AP it is observed that restarting your iPhone can solve this problem.
Also, check that your WiFi settings follow our recommended settings.
If this does not work, try the following:You should now be brought to the Float’s setup.
iPhone/iPad users - using a different browser than Safari (e.g. Firefox) might also solve connection issues
If you still cannot access the Float setup pages, contact and indicate that you can connect to the access point, but not to the setup pages.
For an explanation why it can be difficult to the Float’s network, see the following: Many phones/and or laptops have functions to automatically detect whether a WiFi network has internet connectivity. When this is not the case, the phone or laptop will automatically drop the connection to your Float (Since the Float is not a WiFi router). Furthermore, newer smartphones maintain simultaneous connections to 3G and WiFi, and when the WiFi connection does not respond in an expected way, such phones will try their 3G connection instead, and your Float setup process will be disrupted, because the web pages in the Float’s wifi setup process do not exist on the internet. Recent updates for iPhones seem to have trouble connecting to the Float. We have not been able to pinpoint iPhone model and iOS version. If you have trouble connecting with you iPhone, please try a different phone.
When this happens, reconnect to the Float’s network and navigate to in your browser
The reason why this happens is fairly technical. During this process step the Float switches to your router’s WiFi band. If your phone is connected on another band, it disconnects, because a Wifi antenna cannot transmit two bands at the same time.
The Float can display it's measurements in various units, amongst some °P and SG. The Float can measure from 0.970 SG to 1.200 SG. The Plato scale is a measurement of the dissolved solids in a liquid. Degrees Plato (°P) qunatifies the concentration of mostly sugars as a by weight percentage. When there is no sugar in the liquid, the concentration will be 0 °P.
A concentration of 0 °P should be the same as 1.000 SG. There can be particles disolved in the liquid (or brew) that lower the specific gravity, which gives a value lower than 1.000 SG. This happens more often with the final SG of wines, than with beers. Since the Plato scale does not go below zero, you as a user would not see when the SG goes below zero if you decide to display the measurements in °P. For that reason, we show a negative value, based on the same formula that calculates the Plato gravity from the SG reading.
The Float has an accuracy of ±0.006 SG, and so in water of 20 °C, it should measure a value between 0.994 and 1.006 SG. In the plato scale, the value should be between -1.563 and 1.541 °P.
If your Float displays even more negative values in the Plato scale, your could try re-calibrating your Float. Or contact support if you still have questions.